Canada student visa rules 2024

Canada student visa rules 2024

In 2024, there will be a notable decrease in the number of study permits approved, with a 35% reduction compared to 2023. This decrease is expected to bring the total down to 360,000 permits.

The cap for 2025 will be determined by the end of 2024, indicating a dynamic approach to managing international student intake.

Changes to Post Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) Eligibility:

Beginning September 1, 2024, international students embarking on study programs in private colleges, which deliver licensed curriculum, will no longer qualify for PGWPs. This alteration signifies a shift in eligibility criteria for work permits post-graduation.

Extended PGWPs for Master’s Graduates:

Master’s program graduates in Canada will soon enjoy extended Post Graduation Work Permits (PGWPs), granting them three years to pursue employment opportunities after completing their studies. This extension offers greater flexibility for career advancement and settlement.

Changes to Spousal Open Work Permit Eligibility:

Eligibility for Spousal Open Work Permits will be limited to spouses of international students enrolled in master’s, doctoral, and professional programs. This targeted approach aims to support spouses accompanying students pursuing advanced degrees.

Updated Cost-of-Living Requirements for Students:

Effective January 1, 2024, international students must demonstrate financial capability by showing at least $20,635 to cover there living expenses, a significant increase from the previous requirement of $10,000. (Note: Different requirements apply to students moving to Quebec.)

These policy adjustments reflect Canada’s commitment to managing and optimising the benefits of international education while ensuring the well-being of students and their families. Stay updated for further developments as the landscape of international education continues to evolve.

From May 15, 2024: “Public-Private Partnership institution graduates no longer be eligible for work permits


Under curriculum licensing arrangements, private colleges deliver a curriculum created by an associated public college but are subject to relatively less regulatory oversight. International students attend in-person classes at these PPP institutions and the school pays a portion of the tuition fees they collect to the associated public college. 

The Government of Canada has accused some PPP institutions of not delivering sufficient educational value to international students, and as such, has announced these measures to protect the education system and international students from bad actors who have taken advantage of them to make huge profits.

Another significant change to the PGWP program is that graduates of master’s degree programs will now qualify for a three-year work permit. Previously, the length of a PGWP was determined by the length of the applicant’s study program, and as a result, graduates of master’s programs were only eligible for one or two-year PGWPs. Increasing the length of PGWPs issued to master’s graduates will give them more time to gather Canadian work experience and qualify for permanent residence programs.

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